PIC - programovani po w2k

Josef Madlik madlik
Středa Březen 17 11:49:25 CET 2004

> potrebuju radu nejakeho PICaka. Mam na PIC delat nejakej soft a nafasoval
> jsem programator PICSTART Plus. Potrebuju to delat na win2k_cz a v MPLABu
> to pri "enable programer.." tak 5x spadne, nez se to chyti. Neni k tomu
> programatoru nejakej chodivejsi soft pro w2k? Uplne nejvic by se mi libilo
> kdyby to byl externi soft abych nemusel pouzivat ten MPLAB. Pripadne jde
> alespon ta padajici podpora programatoru co je v MPLABu volat odjinut
> se toho MPLABu zbavil?
> dik chaos

Take mi to delalo. Hodne pomohlo zmenit parametry serioveho portu ve
Viz nize (pochazi ze souboru prilozeneho k upgrade firmware):


Troubleshooting PICSTART Plus

1. Communications Problems

  a. The current version of PICSTART Plus does not work under Windows
     NT. NT requires a special hardware driver that is not currently
     available from Microchip, but is planned for a future release.

  b. Obviously, make sure that the programmer has power and that the
     serial cable is connected correctly.

  c. Ensure that there are no conflicts with other devices. This
     commonly happens when you have a modem or other serial device that is
     improperly configured. Alas, for that you will have to consult your
     Windows manual or other reference literature. You can try to removing,
     reconfiguring or disabling the conflicting device, but do so only if
     you know what you are doing.

  d. Try connecting the PICSTART Plus to a different serial port. If
     your PC has a 25 pin serial port, you will need a 25 to 9 serial port

  e. On some system errors because of driver and hardware
     incompatibility. Try changing Flow Control to Hardware and/or turning
     off the FIFO for the serial port. In Windows 95 this is done in the
     Control Panel. Click the System Icon. Next, select the Device Manager
     tab, and select Ports. ( note, this is also where you would look for
     conflicts ) If necessary, expand the Ports selection by clicking the
     "+" sign next to it. Now double click on the I/O port that PICSTART
     Plus is connected to. Select the Port Settings tab. This is where flow
     control can be set to Hardware. To turn off the FIFO, click the
     advanced button. Deselect the Use FIFO box and click OK to save.

  f. If you have com port but MPLAB will not let you select it ( the
     option is grayed out ) you may be able to assign the port manually by
     editing the MPLAB.ini file. Typically, this occurs if you have an
     "opening" in you com port list (i.e. you have a com1, com2, and a
     com4, but no com3). In this case you may be able to fix it by opening
     MPLAB.ini ( use FIND to locate this file ) and editing the section
     called [programmers] so that the setting CommPort=1 is set to the port
     you want selected. This is just a work-around to a deeper problem in
     which windows is incorrectly reporting port availability through the
     16-bit driver.

  g. You must use the Microsoft Window communications driver that
      is native to the version of windows that you use.  If you
      use Windows 3.10, look for the file COMM.DRV in your
      \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.  That file MUST have a time of
      3:10a.  The time denotes the version.  If you are using
      Windows for Workgroups, look for the same file as above, but
      the time stamp on that file should be 3:11a.  If these files
      differ, you may need to re-install windows or install that
      file from another source.  Users of Windows 95 are not likely
      to have this problem.

  h.  Make sure you are not using a 3rd party communications driver.
      Open your SYSTEM.INI file and look for the line in the [OPTIONS]
      section that reads


      If this line reads differently you are using a different
      communications driver.

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