zapis na HDD

hdc@atlas hdc
Středa Březen 17 11:53:36 CET 2004

Tohle je zapis na disk v PC.
Nedavno tu probehly odkazy na popis ATAPI
rozhrani, tak si to k tomu prectete. Pomuze i
THELP. Pochopite vse.
Jinak radim odkrokovat i IT rutinu disku
v pececku.

S pozdravem                  Hugo KOTTAS

  procedure write_disk_test (test_mode:boolean);

      data_reg  =0;
      erro_reg  =1;
      count_reg =2;
      sect_numb =3;
      cyl_low   =4;
      cyl_high  =5;
      shd_reg   =6;

      master    =   0;
      slave     =$10;
      primary   =$1f0;
      secondary =$170;

      size_512  =$a0;
      h, m, s, hund     : Word;
      h1, m1, s1, hund1 : Word;
      port_adr          : word;
      disk_adr          : byte;
      int_1             : byte;
      int_2             : byte;
      merev_adr         : word;

       if not bios then

            set_it_vect;               /* IT rutina precte status reg a
nastavi irq_14, resp.

                                                irq_15 na true */

            irq_14 := false;
            irq_15 := false;

            if drive_char = 'c'
               then  begin                                         /*
nastaveni IO adres */
                        if c_port[1] then port_adr:=$1f0
                                     else port_adr:=$170;
                        if c_port[2] then disk_adr:=master
                                     else disk_adr:=slave;
            if drive_char = 'd'
               then  begin
                        if d_port[1] then port_adr:=$1f0
                                     else port_adr:=$170;
                        if d_port[2] then disk_adr:=master
                                     else disk_adr:=slave;

            if drive_char = 'e'
               then  begin
                        if e_port[1] then port_adr:=$1f0
                                     else port_adr:=$170;
                        if e_port[2] then disk_adr:=master
                                     else disk_adr:=slave;
            if drive_char = 'f'
               then  begin
                        if f_port[1] then port_adr:=$1f0
                                     else port_adr:=$170;
                        if f_port[2] then disk_adr:=master
                                     else disk_adr:=slave;

            if port_adr=$1f0 then merev_adr:=$3f6 else merev_adr:=$376;

                push    ax
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    es

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,shd_reg
                mov   al,size_512
                or    al,disk_adr
                out   dx,al

                in      al,0a0h
                mov     [int_2],al
                or      al,0c0h
                out     0a0h,al

                in      al,020h
                mov     [int_1],al
                or      al,02h
                out     020h,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,shd_reg
                mov   al,size_512
                or    al,disk_adr
                out   dx,al

                mov     dx,[merev_adr]
                mov     al,8
                out     dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,shd_reg
                mov   al,size_512
                or    al,disk_adr
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,erro_reg
                mov   al,0
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,count_reg
                mov   al,1
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,sect_numb
                mov   al,[sector]
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,cyl_low
                mov   ax,[track]
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,cyl_high
                mov   al,ah
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,shd_reg
                mov   al,size_512
                or    al,disk_adr
                or    al,[head]
                out   dx,al

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,status_reg
                in    al,dx

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,status_reg
                mov   al,031h
                out   dx,al

                mov   cx,0ffffh
                mov   bx,100h


                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,status_reg
                in    al,dx
                test  al,8

                jnz   @w_b

                loop  @wait_w_b
                dec   bx
                jnz   @wait_w_b

                push   ds

                mov   si,offset buffer1

                mov   ax,seg buffer1
                mov   es,ax
                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                mov   si,offset buffer1
                mov   cx,100h

                rep   outsw
                pop    ds

                mov   dx,[port_adr]
                add   dx,status_reg
                in    al,dx
                mov   [error],al

                mov   cx,0ffffh
                mov   bx,100h

                in    al,dx
                test  al,80h
                jz   @ven2

                loop  @wait2
                dec   bx
                jnz   @wait2


                 mov   dx,[port_adr]
                 add   dx,status_reg
                 in    al,dx

                 mov   [status],al

                 mov   dx,[port_adr]
                 add   dx,erro_reg
                 in    al,dx
                 mov   [error],al


                mov     al,[int_2]
                out     0a0h,al

                mov     al,[int_1]
                out     020h,al

                 pop   es
                 pop   dx
                 pop   cx
                 pop   ax


-----Původní zpráva-----
Od: <>
Komu: Multiple recipients of list <>
Datum: 25. března 2000 20:31
Předmět: zapis na HDD

>potreboval bych primy zapis na nesystemovy HDD (muj vlastni
>filesystem) a to do jakehokoli sektoru (nejlepe LBA adresace)
>pod Win95/98. Zkousel jsem to pres ruzna INT ale slo to jen cist,
>zapisovat to nechtelo. Nejlepsi by byla komponenta do Delphi,
>nebo zdrojak v jakemkoli jazyce . To co je na netu nefunguje (vcetne
>komercne prodavane komponenty). Podotykam, ze disk nema ani partition
>tabulku. Zapisovat a cist z nej s 89C51 bylo nesrovnatelne jednodussi.
>Diky za kazdy namet.
>Cechy (

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