telefonni linka
Středa Březen 17 11:51:20 CET 2004
Toto nefunguje ? Nasiel som to tusim na Free Singlechip Group (asi)
subor ...??? \spec.html
Nechcem to posielat cele, ale aspon cast na ukazku - mozno je to blbost.
From: TELECOM Moderator
Subject: Caller-ID Specifications
The data signalling interface has the following characteristics:
Link Type: 2-wire, simplex
Transmission Scheme: Analog, phase-coherent FSK
Logical 1 (mark) 1200 +/- 12 Hz
Logical 0 (space) 2200 +/- 22 Hz
Transmission Rate: 1200 bps
Transmission Level: 13.5 +/- dBm into 900 ohm load
An example of a received CND message, beginning with the message
type word, follows:
04 12 30 39 33 30 31 32 32 34 36 30 39 35 35 35 31 32 31 32 51
04h= Calling number delivery information code (message type word)
12h= 18 decimal; Number of data words (date,time, and directory
number words)
ASCII 30,39= 09; September
ASCII 33,30= 30; 30th day
ASCII 31,32= 12; 12:00 PM
ASCII 32,34= 24; 24 minutes (i.e., 12:24 PM)
ASCII 36,30,39,35,35,35,31,32,31,32= (609) 555-1212; calling
party's directory number
51h= Checksum Word
To receive CND information, the modem monitors the phone line
between the first and second ring bursts without causing the DAA
to go off hook in the conventional sense, which would inhibit the
transmission of CND by the local central office. A simple
modification .........
----- Original Message -----
From: Ales Filip <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 11:05 AM
Subject: Re[2]: telefonni linka
> Hello PQ,
> pondělí, 24. července 2000, you wrote:
> P> Nevite nahodou nekdo, jak jsou reseny telefony, ktery ukazujou
> P> cislo volajiciho? Jsou to takovy ty trochu drazsi. Potrebuju
> P> zjistit, jak se to cislo posila. V Telecomu rekli, ze nic
> P> takovyho neexistuje, ale ja jsem to videl. Na normalni pevne, ne
> P> na ISDN.
> Standartne se to posila mezi 1 a 2 zvonenim. Je to par bajtu na
> rychlosti 2400bd (nebo na 1200, ted si nejsem jisty). Nas Telekom ma
> ale tento zpusob vypnuty, ale pokud to pobockova ustredna umi, muze si
> tu informaci vyzadat. Mezi 1 a 2 zvonenim posle ustredna na Telekom
> nejake bajty (snad E0) a Telekom posle zpatky cislo volajiciho. Umi to
> snad nektere ustredny od AT&T.
> Ales Filip <>
> Kutna Hora <FIDO 2:423/87>
> ICQ:64650313
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