FW: Analog Dialogue e-nouncement

Ing. Jan Dvorak, CSc. jan.dvorak
Středa Březen 17 11:54:29 CET 2004

Vyslo nove cilso Analog Dialogue. Z prehledu vyplyva, ze neobsahuje zadne 
novinky; pro zajemce uvadim strucne vytahy. Ing. Jan Dvorak

The January-February issue of ANALOG DIALOGUE,
the technical magazine of Analog Devices (Volume 34, Number 1),
is live on the Web at

Here's what's in this issue:

differential voltages in the presence of large common-mode voltages.

TRUE RMS-TO-DC MEASUREMENTS, from Low Frequencies to 2.5 GHz. Whatever the 
waveform, the AD8361 TruPwrTM detector IC extracts the rms value at low 
cost, using supply voltages from 2.7 to 5.5 V.

The NEW-PRODUCT BRIEFS section documents a variety of
newly released products, available off-the-shelf. They run the gamut from 
Amplifiers (High-speed, Instrumentation, and Zero-drift) to Video analog 
front ends.

In the NEWLY ANNOUNCED PRODUCTS section, you can find
a host of links to preliminary data sheets for innovative
front-line products, "tomorrow's winners", on their way to being fully 
released. They include: A/D converters,
Amplifiers, ATE chips, Audio ICs, Energy-metering chips,
Hardware monitors, MicroConverters (complete data acquisition on a chip, 
including microcontroller and Flash memory), and Crosspoint Switches.

The UPDATE section provides links to a wealth of information that can be 
found on and off the Analog Devices Web site

Dan Sheingold, Editor

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