Datasheet pre SLD6505A (6510A, 6520A)
Kollar Pavol
Středa Březen 17 11:42:05 CET 2004
Vie mi niekto povedat, co moze byt tajne na technickej specifikacii
suciastky? (aj ked je iba pre OEM; pripomina mi to obdobie hlbokeho
sociku... ).
No to som zvedavy ci to budu vediet dodat.
S pozdravom,
Pavol Kollar
> -----Původní zpráva-----
> Od: Martin Šaněk []
> Odesláno: 29. november 1999 8:11
> Komu: Multiple recipients of list
> Předmět: Re: Datasheet pre SLD6505A (6510A, 6520A)
> Cau Pavle
> Tak mi prisel dalsi e-mail od SONY. Nevim,
> zda je to zpusobene tim, ze jsem jim napsal, ze nechci
> objednavat cely vlak tech diod, anebo ze GM kupuje
> soucastky z potopenych lodi. V kazdem pripade jestli to je
> hodne levne, kup to protoze asi dloudo nebudou.
> No jen si to schvalne precti:
> Hi Martin,
> I have checked with the product manager for this part and we are unable to
> provide a datasheet for this product. This device is not on general
> release
> at this time and is only supplied to major OEM customers. I am therefore
> confused as to how these devices have been made available to you. Perhaps
> you could advise us??? As the technical information available contains
> confidential OEM information we cannot supply this in response to general
> enquiries such as yours.
> I am very sorry that I cannot be of more assistance on this occasion.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Wendy Landreth
> Sales Support
> T. +44 1256 388823
> F. +44 1256 388705
> Email:
> Website:
> :-))))))))))))
> No nevim co napsat na zaver. Snad jen hodne zdravi a zdaru.
> Martin
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