Kopie zamceneho PICu

Zdenek Mazac zmazac
Středa Březen 17 11:44:18 CET 2004

Telesystems company  http://www.ts.aha.ru/english
Telesystems products: 
Microcontrollers and E(E)PROM production quality programmer 
PICPROG (PICmicro, KeeLoq, AVR, megaAVR, Scenix, Serial EEPROM,
"PICmicro 16F(C)8x Copier" - handheld device operating in a standalone
which can copy a series of chips from the original one. You can copy
even if the
original device is code-protected.  

Vite nekdo jak se to da udelat ?
Zdenek Mazac

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