Tomas Kouba kouba
Středa Březen 17 11:45:21 CET 2004

> taktovacej frekvencii 20MHz iba 200ns, pretoze jedna instrukcia
> potrebuje 4 hodinove takty. ATMEL rada naproti tomu potrbuje 12, u

Takto vyrobil puvodni procesor 8051 Intel a Atmel to z duvodu 
kompatibility dodrzuje. Existuje vsak i klony, ktere to nedodrzuji 
(Dallas deli 4).

> vacsiny instrukcii vsak 24 hodinovych taktov. Kedze MICROCHIP sa
> prisne
> drzia filozofie RISC procesorov, obvzlast ich aritmeticka
> instrukcna

Atmel sam oznacuje AVR jako RISC, cituji z 

Atmel's new AVR microcontrollers have a RISC core running single 
cycle instructions(instruction cycle 62 ns@16 MHz) and a well defined 
I/O structure that limits the need for external components. Internal 
oscillators , timers, UART, SPI, pull-up resistors, pulse width 
modulation, ADC, analog comparator, and watch dog timer are some of 
the features you will find in AVR devices.

AT90S1200 ma 80 instrukci, vetsinou jednocyklovych - viz. 


                   Ing. Tomas Kouba
Institute of Physics, AS CR    ph.: +420-2-24311137
Cukrovarnicka 10               fax: +420-2-3123184
162 53 Prague                  e-mail: kouba@fzu.cz
Czech republic                 URL: http://www.fzu.cz/~kouba

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