
Jaromir Cechak j.cechak
Středa Březen 17 11:44:40 CET 2004

Protoze se poprve nikdo neozval, nabizim znova.

SDA 5273P (PLCC68) (mam 3 ks, cena 300,-)

Single chip teletext IC; 
Analog CVBS-input with onchip clamping circuitry; 
Supports level 1, 2 and 3 WST-systems; 
Stores up to 14 teletext pages on chip; 
Stores up to 2048 teletext pages with external 16 M memory; 
Multinorm acquisition.

Vhodny take pro aplikace jednocip - zobrazeni na TV

Parametry :
Analog RGB-output
41 latin script languages
12 x 10 character size
Parallel display attributes
64 from 4096 colors selectable
Enhanced flash modes
Dynamically redefinable character set (DRCS, PCS)
Pixel graphics
Fullscreen display (64 x 32 or 80 x 24 character positions)
Horizontal and vertical scrolling
Graphic cursors
4:3 and 16:9 display
Multinorm display (50/60/100/120 Hz)

Datasheety na :

Omlouvam se, ze vas tim otravuju, ale myslel jsem, ze by se to nekomu
mohlo hodit.

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