LPT port a Wokna

Ing. Jan Dvorak, CSc. jan.dvorak
Středa Březen 17 11:36:11 CET 2004

V konferenci ChipDir se diskutovalo pred nekolika dny na podobne tema. Prikladam odkaz a vysvetlujici text prevzaty z jednoho prispevku.

						Ing. Jan Dvorak

( try : http://www.entechtaiwan.com/tools.htm )

This is shareware which allows NT and Win95 programs to access H/W in a 
consistent manner. It handles direct memory access, I/O access and 
interrupt handling. The biggest limitation is that you can only handle one 
hardware interrupt at a time. But you get the source code if you register 
so there may be ways of overcoming this. I'm about to register it myself 
as it's excellent.

It works fine with Delphi - and appears to support all major WIN32 
Development environments. Shareware - registration $99. It has a baby 
brother which only does I/O and costs $50 to register - but I haven't 
tried it.

Author: Teledesign Plc
  INET: teledesign@cix.compulink.co.uk

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