
Martin Cerveny M.Cerveny
Středa Březen 17 11:35:43 CET 2004


Jara wrote:
> Nevite nekdo, jak prevest schemata a boardy z Eagle v. 2.6 do Eagle v. 3.55 ?

Soubory z 2.6 by mely jit (nemohu overit ;-). Pro soubory z verzi pred 2.6 
je v distribuci "update26.exe".


viz.: ...Eagle\doc\update.doc
  Updating from EAGLE versions prior to 2.6:
  Data files created with EAGLE versions prior to version 2.6 cannot be
  loaded directly into version 3.x. You have to either convert these files
  with the UPDATE26.EXE program or load and save them with EAGLE version 2.6x.
  Please note that converting to version 2.6 requires the file LAYERS.NEW,
  which may have to be adapted to your layer requirements.

viz.: ...Eagle\update26.exe

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