avreal - jak pouzit

Landa Martin Martin.Landa@pvt.cz
Pondělí Červenec 12 09:04:49 CEST 2004

Dobry den,
rad bych si postavil "pipak" z techto stranek http://www.rkolbabek.com/index.php?page=4#uvod veskery material i sw mam, ale nejsem si zcela jist jak dostat program do Atmelu TINY 15. Programátor budu pouzivat z vyse uvedene stranky + avreal32.exe. 

Ja bych napsal tento prikaz: avreal32 -ap -o0 -f TINY15 -d pipak.hex je to tak? 

Mohl by mi nekdo znaly problematiky osvetlit vyznam nize vypsanych parametru (neco si dokazu domyslet z prekladu -e -r -b -v)?

d:\CDRW\!!!!\Elektro>avreal32 -h

avreal/WIN32 -  AVR controllers LPT programmer by Redchuk Alexandr
v1.23rev4 (Jan 18 2004 19:26:55)                 ReAl@real.kiev.ua
bug-reports, suggestions and so on mail to     avreal@real.kiev.ua

Use:    avreal [SWITCHES] [[-c] cfile] [-d dfile]
        Switches ( # represent number)

 -?,-h   this help
 +<nam> force chip to specified by name <nam> (list see below)
        first  # (hex) -- set LPT port number (#=1..3)
            or base address (#>100h). Default is 2 (LPT2)
        second # (decimal) -- force LPT speed to # microseconds
 -aX    'adapter' group (default FBPRG)
        -ab  Altera ByteBlaster, ByteBlasterMV or ByteBlaster-II
        -as  STK200 or STK300 adapter
        -ax  XILINX parallel download cable
        -az  "laZyBlaster" (turn LPT outputs to hi-Z after programming)
        -ar  reverse Reset polarity
        -ai# Inactive reset time, #=time_in_mS
        -ap  chip powered from free LPT data outputs
 -o#    define oscillator frequency, #=freq_in_kHz
        default is 800 (0.8MHz), 0 means "avreal must generate XTAL"
 -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
        set programming delays 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 times longer
        (for low voltage programming)
 -%     print some debug info (use -%% in .bat files)
 -!     force operations even chip not detected
 -n#    Use last 2 bytes of code memory for erase counter
        # force counter to specified value
 -c,-d  mark Code and Data file names
 -e[-]  Erase
        '-' enable read/erase/writeback sequence for EEPROM
 -b     Blank check
 -r     Read from chip to files
 -w[+][p]       Write from files to chip
        '+' write FF to EEPROM locations not mentioned in '-d' file
        'p' use polling
 -v[+]  Verify chip with files
        '+' enable testing of locations not mentioned in files
 -l[+]# Lock chip to level #=1 or 2
        '+' write lock bits before fuses
 -f<list> -  fuses to be changed
        <list> syntax:
                for single-bit fuses val can be ON (0) or OFF (1)
                unlisted fuses not changed
        type 'avreal +name -?'
        for list of fuse names and aliases for chip 'name'

Supported devices, '*' - not tested
   90S1200         90S2313         90S4414         90S8515
 * 90S4434         90S8535         90S2333         90S4433
   90S2323         90S2343         TINY12        * TINY13
   TINY15          TINY22L         TINY22          TINY26
 * TINY2313      * MEGA603         MEGA103         MEGA161
   MEGA163       * MEGA323         MEGA8           MEGA16
 * MEGA32        * MEGA64          MEGA128         MEGA8515
   MEGA8535      * MEGA162       * MEGA169

For latest versions see


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