Job pro Svedy :-)
Ondřej Kozumplik
Čtvrtek Srpen 19 12:49:23 CEST 2004
no fuj. ta anglictina je fakt hrozna !!! :'( Uz hned v prvni vete napsat
"my name are ... " - to je dost velka kanka na povesti. Kdyz jen si
vzpomenu na ten dril .... hello my name is Pixie-dixie and who are you ?
hello my name is Jane and this is Blackie the dog and that is Pussy the
cat. :-)
S pozdravem
O. Kozumplik
MK wrote:
>>My name are Richard Dahlström
>>I Have a Company in Sweden, RD DATA
>>Working with embedded Mcu., AVR, SNAP.
>>I'm looking for buy a consultant (Hour or Project time) (CAD of PCB)
>>The Pcb I need help to are a motherboard do Dallas snap tini 72pin simm bus.
>>I working with the SNAP chip it's a Swedish JAVA-Chip. (from IMSYS AB)
>>Are there any possibility that you can be a interested to take a consulting job.
>>Are also interrseted to have some to build the motherboards.
>>I hope you can give me a answer
>>Best Regards
>>Richard Dahlström
>>Email :,
>Dostal jsem tento email, mozna bude pro nekoho z Vas zajimavy :-)))))
>S pozdravem
>PS: beru standardni provizi 10% :-)))))))
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