Roboti, Eurobot

Kamil Rezac
Čtvrtek Srpen 5 07:39:26 CEST 2004

Nekomu (krome Jirky Rotty) jsem vcera slibil, ze poslu informace o robotovi, tak tady jsou:

nejake ctivo o nasich robotech... (krome letosniho, to nikdo jeste
nesepsal ;)

fotky (a nejaka videa) z letosniho Eurobota:

a konecne tema na dalsi rok, pro ty, kdo nectou robots@pandora:

> Eurobot 2005 : the Bowling
> The goal of the game : make skittles fall down, or make them stand up
> back !  To win, each robot has to pull down its skittles, placed on
> the other side of a central ditch.  Teams may also choose to stand up
> back skittles from the opposite team. Two bridges are randomly placed
> along the ditch and will allow robots to go over.
> The game's field is made of two half-fields and a ditch. On each
> half-field, 15 skittles are distributed in groups of 3 or 4 (certains
> are randomly placed), either on holders or directly on the table.
> Positions of both mobile bridges are determined at the beginning of
> each match. A third fixed bridge allows robots to throw balls on the
> other side.


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