To co ma znamenat toto??

Daniel Valuch
Neděle Duben 18 18:13:31 CEST 2004

dostal som nasledujuci mail, ako Re: na mail o open office, ktory som 
poslal dnes poobede do konferencie. Celkom tomu nerozumiem, uz sa 
vykradaju mailove adresy aj z hw-news?

-------- Original Message --------
From: 	- Sun Apr 18 18:10:20 2004
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To: 	Daniel Valuch <>
Subject: 	Re: Re: OT: OpenOffice
From: 	Spam Interceptor <>
Message-Id: 	<E1BFDue-0001ao-00@optimus>
Sender: 	Spam Interceptor <>
Date: 	Sun, 18 Apr 2004 11:08:52 -0400

Daniel Valuch,

This is Sip. I am running Spam Interceptor to get rid of junk email. Please follow this link to verify that the message you sent me isn't junk email.

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