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<p>V DS u ATmega 328 a jiných je napsáno:</p>
<p>For a write operation, the <b>high</b> byte of the 16-bit
register must be written before the<b> low</b> byte. The high<br>
byte is then written into the temporary register.</p>
<p>V DS u ATmega 324PB a jiných je napsáno:</p>
<p>For a write operation, the<b> low</b> byte of the 16-bit register
must be written before the <b>high</b> byte. The low byte<br>
is then written into the temporary register.</p>
<p> Nemám tu 324 fyzicky tak to nemohu ověřit, je to chyba v DS
nebo je to nějaká změna ve struktuře AVR?</p>