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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 15.12.2021 20:14, Petr Simek wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
cite="mid:Pine.WNT.4.64.2112152011300.3148@oleum">On Wed, 15 Dec
2021, Jindroush wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">Cokoli. Proste prinuti tu knihovnu, at
neco stahne z internetu a spusti, pod pravy toho serveru.
Samozrejme se bude lisit kus od kusu, jak zavazne to
Prinuti je v tomhle pripade silne slovo. Tu knihovnu snad psaly
ze tam zadelaly funkci kdy se do pruchozich dat da vlozit povel ke
stazeni a spusteni kodu odkudkoliv. Navic presto ze tu funkci
nikdo moc
nepouziva tak je default zapnuta. Tohle mi na knihovnu pro
logu prijde jako naprosto uchylna vec.
Tak jednoduchy to samozrejme neni, je to jako vzdy retezec
nedostatku ve flexibilnim, prakticky neotestovatelnem navrhu. Takze
tam nikdo nic "nezadelal", ale proste pres tu flexibilitu tato
vlastnost lze vyuzit.<br>
Log4j includes a Lookup mechanism that could be used to make
requests through special syntax in a format string. For example, it
can be used to request various parameters such as the version of the
Java environment via <em>${java:version}</em>, etc. Then, by
specifying the <em>jndi</em> key in the string, the Lookup
mechanism uses JNDI API. By default, all requests are done using the
prefix <em>java:comp/env/</em>; however, the authors implemented
the option of using a custom prefix by means of a colon symbol in
the key. This is where the vulnerability lies: if <em>jndi:<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="ldap://">ldap://</a></em>
is used as the key, the request goes to the specified LDAP server.
Other communication protocols, such as LDAPS, DNS and RMI, can also
be used.
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Jindroush <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:jindroush@seznam.cz"><jindroush@seznam.cz></a></pre>