Re: AVR pořadí 16 bitových registrů

Petr Stehlik petr.stehlik na
Úterý Prosinec 19 21:48:23 CET 2023


U TC1 v DS k 324PB se odvolávají na ten popis co jsem uvedl (8.6 
Accessing 16-bit Registers) a o pár řádku píšou

Accessing the low byte triggers the 16-bit read or write operation: When 
the low byte of a 16-bit register is
written by the CPU, the high byte that is currently stored in TEMP and 
the low byte being written are both
copied into the 16-bit register in the same clock cycle. When the low 
byte of a 16-bit register is read by the CPU, the high byte of the 
16-bit register is copied into the TEMP register in the same clock cycle as
the low byte is read, and must be read subsequently.

Tak co platí?

Díky Petr

Dne 19.12.2023 v 21:28 Petr Stehlik napsal(a):
> Zdravím
> V DS u ATmega 328 a jiných je napsáno:
> For a write operation, the *high* byte of the 16-bit register must be 
> written before the*low* byte. The high
> byte is then written into the temporary register.
> V DS u ATmega 324PB a jiných je napsáno:
> For a write operation, the*low* byte of the 16-bit register must be 
> written before the *high* byte. The low byte
> is then written into the temporary register.
>  Nemám tu 324 fyzicky tak to nemohu ověřit,  je to chyba v DS nebo je 
> to nějaká změna ve struktuře AVR?
> Petr
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