RAM do notebooku

wek konfera na efton.sk
Pondělí Prosinec 26 10:35:47 CET 2022

Moj gugl mi vratil


The first 11 is the CAS timing. The second 11/12 is the version of Serial Presence Detect (SPD) used for communication between the RAM module and the computer. The B3/B4 is the reference design file used for this design and Revision number of the reference design used.The CAS timing is what matters. The lower the number the fewer clock cycles it takes so in effect its faster. In this case, they would perform identically, although the B4 is technically a newer version.

Podla mna vacsi problem je to L, t.j. jedna pamat je na 1.5V (bez L) a druha na 1.35V (s L). Wikipedia o DDR3 hovori

Memory specified to DDR3L and DDR3U specifications is compatible with the original DDR3 standard, and can run at either the lower voltage or at 1.50 V. However, devices that require DDR3L explicitly, which operate at 1.35 V, such as systems using mobile versions of fourth-generation Intel Core processors, are not compatible with 1.50 V DDR3 memory.


On 26 December 2022 10:00:15 CET, Ondra <ebastlir na seznam.cz> wrote:
>Omlouvám se za malou přílohu. Je možné tyto paměti kombinovat, nebo nahradit
>jednu za druhou? Asi neumím hledat, ale co ty poslední 2 parametry znamenají
>? (-11-B2 a -12-B4)
>Díky o.
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