Re: výroba digitronů

Daniel Valuch balu na
Pátek Říjen 7 14:08:08 CEST 2016

skor chemicky... netvrdim, ze tomu rozumiem, ale asi to tak bude :-)

The reactions of the chemically active gases with the getter metal are 
fairly straightforward. They all form a low vapor pressure ceramic 
compound where the active gas is permanently removed from the vacuum 
chamber. The inert gases are not pumped at all due to the obvious reason 
that they are inert and will not react with the getter metal. Hydrogen 
(H2), though, is the odd gas out in that it does not react to form a 
chemical compound but merely dissolves in the getter metal to form a 
solid solution. Chemical getters can be broken down into two separate 
categories; evaporable and non-evaporable.

Mimochodom najvacsi objekt pokryty getrom je vnutro LHC :-)

On 07/10/2016 14:02, Jan Waclawek wrote:
>> getre obycajne neabsorbuju inertne plyny
> Hm hm.
> Mal som pocit, ze sa jedna o fyzikalny dej.
> wek

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