Jan Waclawek konfera na
Středa Červen 17 15:20:17 CEST 2015

>PC13, PC14, PC15 and PI8 are supplied through the power switch
>. Since the switch only sinks a limited amount of current
>(3 mA), the use of GPIOs PC13 to PC15 and PI8 in output mode is limited:
>- The speed should not exceed 2 MHz with a maximum load of 30 pF.
>- These I/Os must not be used as a current source (e.g. to drive an LED).

Ano - ale ak sa tie 3mA neprekrocia, nemal by s RTC byt problem.

Na toto je upozornovane na viacerych miestach aj v RM aj v DS, tak zo
poltucta krat. Ak toto niekto nedodrzi, tak je s prepacenim trotl a
zasluzi si aby sa mu krystal nerozbehol... ;-)

Ale ano, dobre o tom vediet, len ma zmiatla ta zmienka o stabilizatore.


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