Novy Eagle 7 (was Re: Software pro navrh DPS)

Peter Janiš peto.janis na
Úterý Červenec 15 20:14:23 CEST 2014

Po prvotnom preskúšaní, som nenašiel mnoho vylepšení.
Snáď len nové ikonky, hierarchický design, a design re-use, kreslenie 
oblých spojov v schéme (miter)...
Opäť chýba _normálny_ library manager a pod...

čakám na v8...


On 07/15/2014 07:44 PM, balu na home wrote:
> hech, ano, toto je jedna z novych ficur :-))
> GUI makeover
> Version 7 also means a modernized graphic look of the user interface. 
> The icons used since the beginning have been replaced by new and 
> modern images that are self explaining and support improving the 
> usability of EAGLE from a visual perspective. The EAGLE user can 
> choose between the classic and the modernized icon style.
> ale co vyzera pouzitelnejsie je
> Hierarchical design
> This feature stems from multiple surveys hosted by CadSoft and 
> requests monitored by our support and development team. Hierarchal 
> design helps designers to organize large schematic designs into small 
> functional blocks which can then be assigned to various members of a 
> team.  It helps collaborative design teams to work on specific areas 
> of a large complex design, which can then be easily integrated.
> At the end all these designs can be integrated due to our newly 
> implement hierarchal design capability.  This also favours design 
> re-use by allowing blocks of one design to be used in another design.
> Inak tie diferencialne pary boli k dispozicii uz vo verzii 6, ale 
> nikdy sa mi to nepodarilo nejak pouzitelne pouzit (nedostatok 
> zrozumitelnych manualov)
> Benefit from differential pair routing and automatic meanders
> Special signals can be routed with exactly the same length. 
> Differential pair routing is used for pairs of differential (equal and 
> opposite) signals across the board to create a balanced transmission 
> system. Creating meanders helps users automatically give a signal a 
> certain length in the PCB. Meanders in traces are used to increase 
> delay times in high speed digital circuits.
> On 15/07/2014 19:10, Peter Janiš wrote:
>> Zatial len beta verzia 6.9.2
>> 7.0 som zatial nenasiel...
>> btw. budu tam nove ikonky... :-)
>> p.j
>> On 07/15/2014 07:09 PM, Balu wrote:
>>> Mimochodom moj eagle ma upozornil ze je vonku verzia 7. Uz to niekto
>>> pozeral? Nejake zaujimave vychytavky?
>>> B.
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