OT Jak to vubec dopadlo s merenim tech nadsvetelnych castic?

RV vicek.radek na cpost.cz
Středa Březen 20 09:13:38 CET 2013

Aha tak neuniklo, ale ten zaver byl, ze se bude cekat do kvetna na dalsi 
pokusy. Ale jak dopadlo to overeni uz nevim:
uvidime, zle dotiahnuty konektor dokaze divy. Viem si predstavit sposob
akym by mohol teoreticky oneskorit pulz o desiatky ns, ale je to v
rovine cistej spekulacie a pravdepodobnejsie by bolo ze by som vyhral
sportku :-)
V kazdom pripade uz vysla prva oficialna sprava, ktora tomu pridava este
viacej zahady:
The OPERA collaboration has informed its funding agencies and host
laboratories that it has identified two possible effects that could have
an influence on its neutrino timing measurement. These both require
further tests with a short pulsed beam. If confirmed, one would increase
the size of the measured effect, the other would diminish it. The first
possible effect concerns an oscillator used to provide the time stamps
for GPS synchronizations. It could have led to an overestimate of the
neutrino's time of flight. The second concerns the optical fibre
connector that brings the external GPS signal to the OPERA master clock,
which may not have been functioning correctly when the measurements were
taken. If this is the case, it could have led to an underestimate of the
time of flight of the neutrinos. The potential extent of these two
effects is being studied by the OPERA collaboration. New measurements
with short pulsed beams are scheduled for May.

Radek Vicek

Dne 20.3.2013 9:08, Jan Waclawek napsal(a):
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