mini vaha 500g/0,1g, pocitaci funkce ?

Kubat Tomas tomas_k na
Pátek Prosinec 27 12:08:39 CET 2013

dobry den.
poridil jsem si(dostal jsem)  pidi vahu, nejakou tuhle
html .
ma podle navodu i pocitaci funkci, ale nemuzu prijit na to jak to ma
fungovat. uz se mi povdlo ji i vnutit predpokladane mnozstvi, ze 
jako ma 25ks neceho, ale od te doby to nemuzu zmenit a dela si to co
je to vlastnost / chyba ? nemate tenhle cajk nekdo osobne ?
navod na pocitani je hodne podobny tomuhle, jen se jinak jmenuji
tlacitka :

1. Turn on the scale and wait until the LCD displays "0.0".
2. Place a sample amount (25pcs, 50pcs, 75pcs or 100pcs) of the quantity
you wish to weigh and count onto the platform.
3. Press and HOLD [C] key for 2 seconds, the LCD will display "25".
4. Press [M] key to select the sample amount of the item that you have
put onto the platform.
5. Press [C] key to confirm the above information, the LCD will now
display "pcs" in the corner, to show that the scale is in counting mode.
6. Remove the sample quantity from the platform.
7. You now can place any amount of your item(s) on the scale and the LCD
will display a count.
8. You can switch between weighing mode or counting mode by pressing [M]
or [C] key respectively.

ten fw. je nejakej zmatenej ...
nejde ani po vyndani baterek dostat do puvodniho stavu ..

uz jsem na ni malem slapnul :-).

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