Neutrina asi vyresena

Pavel Troller patrol na
Čtvrtek Únor 23 10:53:18 CET 2012

A to mame cekat do kvetna ? Nemeli by tu jisti nejmenovani clenove
vse potrebne ve svych garazich, abychom si to zmerili sami :-) ?

  Zdravi Pavel

> uvidime, zle dotiahnuty konektor dokaze divy. Viem si predstavit sposob 
> akym by mohol teoreticky oneskorit pulz o desiatky ns, ale je to v rovine 
> cistej spekulacie a pravdepodobnejsie by bolo ze by som vyhral sportku :-)
> V kazdom pripade uz vysla prva oficialna sprava, ktora tomu pridava este 
> viacej zahady:
> The OPERA collaboration has informed its funding agencies and host 
> laboratories that it has identified two possible effects that could have an 
> influence on its neutrino timing measurement. These both require further 
> tests with a short pulsed beam. If confirmed, one would increase the size 
> of the measured effect, the other would diminish it. The first possible 
> effect concerns an oscillator used to provide the time stamps for GPS 
> synchronizations. It could have led to an overestimate of the neutrino's 
> time of flight. The second concerns the optical fibre connector that brings 
> the external GPS signal to the OPERA master clock, which may not have been 
> functioning correctly when the measurements were taken. If this is the 
> case, it could have led to an underestimate of the time of flight of the 
> neutrinos. The potential extent of these two effects is being studied by 
> the OPERA collaboration. New measurements with short pulsed beams are 
> scheduled for May.
> On 2/23/2012 07:01, Šerých Jakub wrote:
>> Hlavne si nedovedu predstavit, ze by nedotazeny opticky konektor dokazal pro digitalni signal vytvorit zpozdovaci linku 60ns, (coz odpovida pruchodu svetla odhadem cca 13m optickeho kabelu). Zatim nechavam chladnou hlavu a cekam, ze vyzkumy budou pokracovat.
>> Jakub Serych
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