OT: Signatura a původní text mailu

Pavel Troller patrol na sinus.cz
Sobota Listopad 26 19:39:31 CET 2011

  to neni otazka. Spatne je, kdyz za oznacovacem signatury nasleduje
cokoliv jineho nez signatura. Viz RFC 3676, kapitola 4.3:

4.3. Usenet Signature Convention

   There is a long-standing convention in Usenet news which also
   commonly appears in Internet mail of using "-- " as the separator
   line between the body and the signature of a message.  When
   generating a Format=Flowed message containing a Usenet-style
   separator before the signature, the separator line is sent as-is.
   This is a special case; an (optionally quoted or quoted and stuffed)
   line consisting of DASH DASH SP is neither fixed nor flowed.

   Generating agents MUST NOT end a paragraph with such a signature

   A receiving agent needs to test for a signature line both before the
   test for a quoted line (see Section 4.5) and also after logically
   counting and deleting quote marks and stuffing (see Section 4.4) from
   a quoted line.

Vsimnete si prosim formulace na konci druheho a tretim radku: "... as the
separator between the body and the signature of a message". Z toho
logicky vyplyva, ze tim symbolem konci telo zpravy a zacina podpis. 
Citovany puvodni mail patri jednoznacne do tela zpravy, ne do podpisu,
takze myslim, ze jaksi neni o cem diskutovat.
  Spravne reseni by bylo nechat tam indikator podpisu, ale naucit postovni
klient, aby to dal na skutecny konce zpravy, ne za konec Vasi odpovedi.
Pokud to ten klient nastavit neumi, je patrne chybny.

S pozdravem Pavel

> tady je videt, ze to je OK:
> http://www.cncnet.info/galery/maily.png
> jen to bere do podpisu ten text od koho to je
> takze ted je otazkou kdo to ma spatne ;-)
> -- 
> S pozdravem
> ======================================================================
> Radek Vicek
> Dne 26.11.2011 19:11, HW CNCnet.info napsal(a):
>> Zdravim,
>> ja tam ted schvalne nechavam vsechno dole pod svym podpisem, ale prijde
>> mi, ze to je jen neinteligence klienta. Protoze treba TB to normalne
>> odlisi. Bude obarvena signatura a pak na zacatku radku ocarovane
>> jednotlive prispevky.
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