[OT] Prosba o pomoc s BIOSem

J. Polívka jpolivka na volny.cz
Sobota Listopad 20 10:26:46 CET 2010

nedavno jsem resil podobne ci stejne u notesu HP Pavilion.
Ten flasher nebyl vubec potreba jen dva soubory (bios byl na dvou disketach) 
a jeste jsem je musel prejmenovat.
Byl to docela porod a dal jsem to dohromady z nekolika nalezenych prispevku 
na forech, ale podarilo se.
Zkuste jestli by vam nepomohlo nasledujici ( s tim mojim HP to nema nic 
spolecneho tam je to jinak).
Je to odtud http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=886047
od pete4
I think P5K BIOS chip is soldered so hot swapping is out of the question.
There is bootstrap inside ASUS BIOS chip that never gets flashed and should 
not be corrupted: you put USB stick with original BIOS, press combination of 
keys and it should do emergency BIOS flash on non working computer. Don't 
remember key combination, it should be in the manual or ASUS board. I had 
similar thing with Asus P5b-e, computer went dead due to POS BIOS update 
ASUS posted on it's website. Nothing would work until I got very old PCI 
(not PCIexpress but standard PCI) video card, that got me to BIOS screen and 
let me load older BIOS back, you could try that as well (remove PCIe card 
before restarting). I don't know what is it about Asus or other mobo makers, 
you would think by now they would have something as simple as BIOS flash 
down to the science. Hope you get it running.
Those are instructions for Asus crash free BIOS for P5B-e, I have no idea if 
P5K is the same and I don't even know if they work since old PCI video card 
trick worked for me but with dead computer you have nothing to loose, I 
1&2 download and copy original version of BIOS to USB or floppy
3. Now put that floppy disk in your PC that has POST problem (if you have no 
floppy drive, try USB flash disk)
4. Now you need to gain access to ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 utility. It is not 
easy, but here what I did. Restart PC by pressing restart bottom on your PC 
case and immediately press those keys on your keyboard at the same time 
CTRL+ALT+ DEL+PAGE DOWN . Now, last to keys DEL & PAGE DOWN you have to 
press. Do not press keys that located just above four arrows on your 
keyboard, but press the same key but those that located to your far right in 
the end of your keyboard. As your PC will boot try pressing and releasing 
and pressing again those keys or just pressing them and just holding them. 
Try both methods. If you do exactly as I said you will here multiple beeps, 
that means you entered ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 utility successfully. This is 
most important step, to enter CrashFree BIOS 3.
5. This utility will search your CD-ROM drive, floppy drive, USB drive. On 
your floppy drive it will find floppy disk that you placed before with 
P5BE.ROM file. It will say " Reading file P5BE.ROM. Completed".
6. Now, ATTENTION!!!. When utility will say Start flashing...(or Start 
erasing). Let it finish this task. Then it will say Start programming.... 
Now you have to shut down your PC Immediately !!! Do it by pressing shut 
down bottom on your PC and hold it for 5 seconds or by taking out plug from 
the back of the PC. Do not let the utility to finish programming task!
7. Now when your PC is shut down wait for 5 min.
8. Remove your floppy disk from floppy drive.
9. Then put in your CD-ROM drive, ASUS support CD that came with your 
10. Start your PC. And again in order for you to access ASUS CrashFree BIOS 
3 utility, repeat steps that I described in step number 4. Hold down those 
keys or stroke them again and again during boot up process. If you need 
restart your PC by pressing restart bottom and try again until you 
11. When you enter CrashFree BIOS 3 again, utility will do what it did last 
time. Only this time it will not find floppy disk, but will find ASUS 
support CD in your CD-ROM drive.
12. This time don't do anything until whole process is complete. First, it 
will say again "Reading file P5BE.ROM. Completed". Then "Start 
flashing...(or Start erasing)". Then "Programming...\) Wait until it will 
say flashing process is complete and you have to shut down your PC. Now, do 
not restart PC, shut it down completely, as I wrote in step number 7.
13. Wait for 5 to 7 minutes, then power up your PC.
14. PC will boot, but it will stop with message about your memory voltage 
incorrect or failed overclocking. Just press F2 to load BIOS defaults for 
15. Your PC should boot normally and load Windows.
Jindra Polivka
Tak tudy taky ne. Disketa zformátována jako systémová, přidán bios a
flasher, ale deska na ni ani nesáhne. Žádné pípnutí, nic.

Vypadá to, že jsem ji bricknul pořádně.


Dne 19.11.2010 14:38, Pavel Kadečka napsal(a):
> 2010/11/19 Milan Horák<konference na 1301.cz>:
>> A měl by ten BIOS mít nějaké přesné jméno nebo stačí tak jak je 1701.BIN 
>> ?
> Musí mít přesné jméno, hledejte "recovery bios", je to trochu jinak u
> různých BIOSů, tj. Award, AMI atd.
> http://www.overclockers.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-315360.html
> P.K.
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