AtMega8 - problem s externim prerusenim

Kamil Rezac
Sobota Únor 6 10:57:41 CET 2010

Ahoj, pokousim se tu prihnout sw seriak (je to zalozene na rutine z
avrlib) a deje se mi to, ze i kdyz na konci zpracovani bytu (interrupt
z output compare casovace) vymazu (zapisem 1) flag pro externi
preruseni, tak stejne nastane... V errate jsem nic nenasel, takze to
urcite bude mezi zidli a klavesnici.... Na obrazku z osciloskopu je
horni stopa vstup ('i' na 9600bps), dolni (PB4) se meni pri preruseni
(at uz casovace nebo INT1 - viz kod). Jak je videt, nastane falesna
detekce sestupne hrany - startbitu (ta spicka uprostred dolni stopy
jsou dve preruseni po sobe - casovac a pak ext, odzkouseno) a tak se
prijme jeste falesny byte 0xff. KJoukam do toho uz vcera cely vecer a
dneska od rana a nic... :( Samozrejme by se to dalo ahakovat, ale
zajima me, co je blbe...

Kod a obrazek z osciloskopu prikladam
Predem dik za nakopnuti

// UART receive pin defines
// This pin must correspond to the
// External Interrupt 1 (INT1) pin for your processor
#define UARTSW_RX_PORT			PORTD	///< UART Receive Port
#define UARTSW_RX_DDR			DDRD	///< UART Receive DDR
#define UARTSW_RX_PORTIN		PIND	///< UART Receive Port Input
#define UARTSW_RX_PIN			PD3	///< UART Receive Pin

// calculate division factor for requested baud rate, and set it
//UartswBaudRateDiv = (u08)(((F_CPU/256L)+(baudrate/2L))/(baudrate*1L));

static PtrSwUartHandler_t g_handler;

// uartsw receive status and data variables
static volatile uint8_t UartswRxData;
static volatile uint8_t UartswRxBitNum;

static volatile uint8_t first = 1;

void SwUart_Init(PtrSwUartHandler_t handler) {

	// initialize ports

	 // initialize timer 2
        TCNT2 = 0;
        TCCR2 = (1<<CS22); // normal mode 1:64 prescaler

	//PORTD |= (1<< PD2);
	// setup the receiver
	// OC2 interrupt disabled
	TIMSK &= ~(1<<OCIE2);
	// INT0 trigger on rising/falling edge
	MCUCSR |= (1<<ISC11);	// non-invert: falling edge
	// enable INT1 interrupt
	GICR |= (1<<INT1);

ISR(INT1_vect) {
	PORTB ^= (1<<PB4);
	// this must be is a start bit
	// disable INT1 interrupt
	GICR &= ~(1<<INT1);
	// schedule data bit sampling 1.5 bit periods from now
	// clear OC0 interrupt flag
	TIFR = (1<<OCF2);
	// enable OC0 interrupt
	TIMSK |= (1<<OCIE2);
	// reset bit counter
	UartswRxBitNum = 0;
	// reset data
	UartswRxData = 0;

	PORTB ^= (1<<PB4);
	// start bit has already been received
	// we're in the data bits
	// shift data byte to make room for new bit
	UartswRxData = UartswRxData>>1;

	// sample the data line
	if( (UARTSW_RX_PORTIN & (1<<UARTSW_RX_PIN)) ) // non-inverting
		// serial line is marking
		// record '1' bit
		UartswRxData |= 0x80;

	// increment bit counter
	// schedule next bit sample

	// check if we have a full byte
	if(UartswRxBitNum >= 8)
		// call handler
		// g_handler(UartswRxData);
		UDR = UartswRxData;
		// disable OC0 interrupt
		TIMSK &= ~(1<<OCIE2);
		// clear INT1 interrupt flag
		GIFR = (1<<INTF1);
		// enable INT interrupt
		GICR |= (1<<INT1);
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