IsoJtagISP programator

Petr Hracek
Středa Červenec 9 11:20:46 CEST 2008

Ahoj *,

konecne jsem si zapajel programator a zkousim zprovoznit
USB pomoci MProg programatoru.

Na strankach:
je napsano:

>>FT232R Settings: If you're building without a crystal you will need to
program the ft232r chip to send >>out the clock for the micro. Luckily this
is easy, as FTDI provide a program to do this over the serial >>port. So
plug in the programmer, download MProg from the sources section above, run
the program, >>then find read and parse in the menus to check that it finds
the programmer. As long as it does, open >>up the template that's in the
mprog folder, and you should be able to go to program in the menus to >>flash
the settings into the ft232r chip. It should now be ready to go, so unplug
and replug the >>programmer, windows will re-detect it as an isojtagisp.

Mate nekdo zkusenosti jak to zprovoznit?
Pro naprogramovani FT232R potrebuju seriovou linku? (je tam napsano "over
serial port")
Kdyz programator pripojim pres USB do pocitace a zkusim ho pomoci MProg najit,
tak ho najdu,
ale jakmile dam nahrat default template, tak se me cely program "zakousne"
a uz nic s tim neudelam.
Pravdepodobne tam mam i spatne drivery. Nevite odstranit drivery a dat tam
spravne od FTDI?

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