Re: Norton AntiVirus objevil a odstranil virus nebo nepovolenou přílohu v odeslané zprávě. Norton AntiVirus detected and deleted a virus or an unauthorized attachment in a message you sent.

john bobr mrbobr
Středa Březen 17 12:08:14 CET 2004

Tohle mi prislo CO TO MA BEJT ?
S pozdravem
----- Original Message -----
From: "NAV for Microsoft Exchange-FUPELNT2"
To: "'john bobr'" <>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 4:56 PM
Subject: Norton AntiVirus objevil a odstranil virus nebo nepovolenou p??lohu
v odeslan? zpr?v?. Norton AntiVirus detected and deleted a virus or an
unauthorized attachment in a message you sent.

P??jemce zavirovan? p??lohy (Recipient of the infected attachment):  Z?ka
Ale?, Ing.\Doru?en? po?ta
P?edm?t zpr?vy (Subject of the message):  Problem s teplomerem

Jedna nebo v?ce zavirovan?ch p??loh byla odstran?na (One or more attachments
were deleted).
  Attachment teplomer1-2.jpg was Deleted for the following reasons:
    Virus UNAUTHORIZED FILE was found.

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